Sunday, April 26, 2009
I know...I know

Monday, April 6, 2009
I give up...

STFU, seriously.

Hey gun-nuts! I think you are a bunch of ignorant, fear mongering, narrow-minded buffoons.
So the email:
Read the whole thing some very interesting facts
My response initially was to stop reading in the first 3 seconds...but I was trapped in a I read.
My thoughts on this? Well, since you asked...
Her multi colored hair, saggy breasts, poor attempt at military style dress, (honestly WTF is that jacket?) that sh!tty nylon bullsh!t holster, holding what appears to be a Springfield XD were enough to distract me from the crappy AR...then there was the alleged quote from the grandfather about 'busting a cap' but I completely lost it with the pic of the Beretta with the safety orange tip...
If they want me to take any of this fear mongering seriously, provide some citations for the claims they make. Relating gun control to the killing of German Jewish citizens is a stretch to say the least.
I'm weary of all these kinds of fear mongering rhetoric bullsh!t. I'm not afraid, and I'm not swayed by some bullshit map of an AIDS rapist (seriously WTF did that come from?) and my daughter? First off my daughter can't own a firearm...secondly what does the condom have to do with anything?
I did read the whole thing...I question if there were any "facts."
There were however several attempts to sway my opinion by the use of sex and fear...Never gonna work on me. Fear requires ignorance, and I ask way too many damn questions. As far as sex goes...please.
They want to complain about .gov spending? Seriously? They talked about wasting millions? Please. What about the billions wasted in foreign lands?
How about the TRILLIONS wasted on failed business with sh!tty greedy business practices?
They want gun owners to do something about the .gov in a country whose population is more interested in voting for 'American Idol' than the leader of the nation?
Methinks they are looking at the wrong place for the root cause. It's not the's the apathy of "We the People."