So here we are at almost the 2 month mark:
Not only have we lost weight, 4 grams at least, but it appears we have a guest organism!
Now I'm tempted to defend myself from the naysayers who would infer that I've "infected" this burger with mold somehow. But screw them! I haven't had enough time to take this frackin' photo and annotate it properly, much lees keep a culture of mold on-hand eagerly awaiting a new host.
Hell, I haven't even taken the time to regularly open it's airtight container!
Just as a refresher the other lady claimed she kept a hamburger in a non-airtight container and used it as a prop for her dissertation on nutrition.
I call bullshit. Which I, obviously, suspected when I undertook this little adventure anyway. There are just some things you can't do. Leaving a piece of bread exposed( even intermittently) without it getting moldy is one of those things. I don't care how many damn preservatives you inject it with.
As for the other two burgers:
The one that has remained sealed has lost weight, but I can see no signs of mold on it.
The one in the fridge, especially since I never unwrapped it, looks identical. :)
I'll attempt to get more frequent updates up...but paying bills has top priority folks.
I suggest you find some poor unsuspecting soul to eat one of the non-moldy ones as a taste test.
ReplyDeleteOr... you know... to see if he dies.
Even with all the malnutrition that is McDs I knew there was no way for a hamburger to last that long without issue. As you said bread cannot stay, for any real length of time, exposed to air without getting mold. Unless it is pertified!