Thursday, October 13, 2005

My first...

Now I've been into photography since...well some of my first memories involve a small Kodak 110 film camera. And I became really fond of it by the time I was 13. Especially what I like to refer to as "ambush" shots. Either when people don't know they are being watched or when they aren't ready.
I started shooting digital photos in 1997 with a Kodak camera I think was less than one megapixal...ahh those were the days. I really started taking quality digital photos in 2001 with my Nikon 880 CoolPix camera, it is a 3.3 MP camera had a decent zoom and quality of my images was good enough...or so I thought.

This squrrel eating a McDonald's fry here was one of my first shots with the Digital Rebel. I took it in Centennial Park which is pretty much across the street from work. I was using my 75-300 lens here because squirrels are funny about people getting too close. Speaking of work...that's how I ended up with this particular model of camera in the first place. Two of my friend's I happen to work with have the same camera. They took a trip to the Grand Canyon and came back with some fantastic shots. I'll post links to their pictures later on, I highly recommend the time to look through their collections. I was sold. My choice was confirmed the day after I got my camera and took my lunch in the park. The detail that this imaged showed when I got it back to my computer was phenomenal! Look at the fingers and the hairs on the tail. And this was at quite a distance away too. I'll eventually settle down on my postings, but I just have so many backlogged that I want to find time to post and talk about. :)
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1 comment:

  1. Mm... i'm bored... I didn't read the text... but the image is very funny !!! jaja


Do no harm.