Saturday, May 30, 2015

Not My Father's Son: A MemoirNot My Father's Son: A Memoir by Alan Cumming
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I don't often post full reviews of books, nor give them 5 stars. Mostly because I'm lazy, and I go through a LOT of books.

I wanted to at least say something about this book because it's extremely rare that I would be so deeply moved and have such...empathy...for a book. Much less a non-fiction work.

This has been one of the best works I've read/listened to in a very long time. If you ever wanted to try to understand the long lasting ramifications of mental illness, physical and emotional abuse, and the way that chain stretches across generations in a very personal way. I recommend this book, especially the audiobook read by the author.

If you have ever experienced physical/emotional abuse...I highly recommend this book. You are not alone.

View all my reviews

1 comment:

  1. I don't think you're lazy. You just don't want to do something that might interrupt your listening to another audiobook.


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