I was afraid I'd lost this photo. Fortunately my brother had a copy.
Was one of the cooler things I've been able to do. That had been a long day prior to meeting them. Ticketmaster had completely and utterly bungled my order. After driving over 3 hours and inviting others along to use the tickets I'd purchased I arrived and they told me I had none. To say I was upset is to say Vesuvius was just a volcano. I was livid...no...insane with rage is better. I was at that point where my peripheral vision blurred to dark and the only light at the end of my tunnel was red...now I know why those imbecile fat cow ticket agents are behind Plexiglas.
I had some rather unpleasant, unkind, torrents of profanity to express at what I'm sure was a volume greater than conversational. (Yes, I know what you're thinking smartass...and yes I can speak at a conversational level)
As I had decided I needed to leave before my urges of mayhem overtook me and I ended up being the guest of the local authority...I heard someone coming up behind me a tad too fast for my liking. I heard a question: "Is there a problem?" At least I think that's what he'd said...I was still trying to quiet the sound of "Redrum!" in my head...
So, as I was already wanting to pummel someone I planted and spun on this poor guy...I expressed my problem in a somewhat aggressive manner (Yeah, shut-up smartass) and in the midst of my tirade he explained (I'm sure more than once, I was torqued beyond measure...if memory serves I had paid for 6 tickets at ~$60 each, plus B.S. fees and tax...so I'd lost a lot of money not counting the 3 hour drive and my ever precious personal time.) ($1,223.125/hr is my value...what's yours?) He explained to me who he was, repeatedly, that he could help me out...hmm.
Turns out, he worked for the local radio station that was sponsoring the concert and had extra tickets. Enough for all 5 of us, as well as TWO MEET & GREET PASSES!!!
I almost cried. Actually, I probably did.
I owe this aid in no small part to my little brother Nato...who was friends with one of the staff and had been talking with them whilst I was getting tickets, and heard the subsequent explosion.
I'm eternally grateful to all who showed me kindness that I didn't deserve that day. Meeting Aaron Lewis meant more for me than I expect more than one or two people will ever know. Including Mr. Lewis himself I'm afraid.
So Mr. Lewis, in the off event you troll the web looking for yourself (I know I do) and you come across this. Thank you. Thank you for things I can't begin to explain and you probably will never know.
Thank you for what you did for Layne. Because you have done the same for me as you've ascribed to him.